Emergency Lighting is required by law to illuminate exit routes to enable the safe evacuation of premises in the event of an emergency.
If a premise has a lighting system installed it must have emergency lighting, if it has emergency lighting it must be suitably maintained. In both cases emergency lighting must be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with BS5266.
It is not simply about having emergency lighting in a property, it is required to be correctly located, installed and maintained to ensure that it will operate as intended.
Guardian can offer the following services for emergency lighting provision.
We can design emergency lighting systems in accordance with the guidance provided in BS5266, this includes site visits, the adaption of floor plans, the identification of locations and the specification of products to meet the required lighting levels.
Following on from our own, or the design of others, we can provide installation of emergency lighting systems to properties. We can install both Self-Contained luminaires and central battery systems to all installations and advise of best installation practice. Once installed all our systems are certified and clients are provided with a logbook which details the systems and individual luminaires.
All emergency lighting systems are required to be regularly maintained and we can offer this service. Our annual checks allow for emergency luminaires to be tested for their intended duration, normally 3hrs, and for the assessment of the system against the lasted guidance to ensure continued compliance.
Please contact us to discuss our emergency lighting services and find out where we can assist you with your requirements.